state-owned enterprises

[steɪt əʊnd ˈɛntəpraɪzɪz]
  • 释义
  • 国有企业;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    State - owned enterprises M & A State - owned enterprises industries push the strategic acquirement.

    国有 企业之间的兼并 重组 国有 企业的产业整合推动战略性重组.

  • 2、

    Widespread lay - offs from state - owned enterprises have already caused dissension there.

    国企的 下岗 工人到处都是,已经使那儿纷纷扰扰.

  • 3、

    At the same time, we encouraged eligible large state - owned enterprises to get listed after the stockholding system was established.

    同时, 鼓励符合条件的 国有 大型企业改制上市.

  • 4、

    Today's state - owned enterprises of China: are they dying dinosaurs or dynamic dynamos?

    中国当今的 国有 企业: 他们是垂死挣扎还是蓬勃发展?

  • 5、

    Being too large and all - encompassing is a common defect among state - owned enterprises .

    过分追求大而全,是 国企 的一大通病.

  • 6、

    We should give a freer rein to small and medium state - owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.

    进一步放开搞活 国有 中小企业.

    汉英非文学 - 十六大报告
  • 7、

    Recently, the technique of the gherao has been spreading to state - owned enterprises.

    近来工人挟持雇主的方法已经蔓延到 国有 的企业.

  • 8、

    On balance, joint ventures appeal to me more than state - owned enterprises.

    总的来说, 合资企业比 国有 企业更吸引我.

  • 9、

    We are quite confident in the success of state - owned enterprises.

    我们对搞好 国有 企业是有信心的.

  • 10、

    Generally State - owned economy take the form of State - owned enterprises in reality.

    国有 经济在现实中一般采取 国有 企业的形式.

  • 11、

    State - owned enterprises are getting out of difficulty.

    国有 企业开始走上坡路.

  • 12、

    Today all state - owned enterprises must bear their responsibilities for their losses.

    今天所有 国有 企业都必须自己承担无损.

  • 13、

    But China's state - owned enterprises seem less adroit at exploiting those assets.

    但中国的 国有 企业似乎不那么善于利用这些资产.

  • 14、

    Our clients are ranged from private enterprises, foreign companies to state - owned enterprises.

    公司的客户包括诸多民营企业 、 外资企业及 国有 企业.

  • 15、

    And the theand the expectation of implementing ERP system the state - owned enterprises.

    结合两个ERP系统 实施失败的案例,论述了导致 国有 大中型企业ERP实施 失败的主要原因.
